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Planning Our 1st DCIP Meetup Event

From: user 6.
Sent on: Friday, November 7, 2008, 2:46 PM
Hi Everyone;

My initial plan was to put together a Christmas/Holiday party for
our first event; however; we have had such a great response
that we should consider getting together this month.

I was looking at scheduling a Happy Hour and then maybe something
for the Beaujolais Nouveau celebration. The Bistrot du Coin was suggested
however they are completely booked for Beaujolais Nouveau.

Also, looked at:

The French-American Chamber of Commerce event
Ticket Price:
$70 for FICS & FACC members
$80 for non-members
The Alliance Francaise
Cost $ 25.00 members, $ 35.00 non-members

Both of those might be a little too much cost for our 1st even.

So, I want to open it up for suggestions... If you can recommend
a related event or a great location for us to meet for Happy Hour;
please let me know. We have optional dates of Nov 19th-21st.

Thanks and really looking forward to meeting everyone.

== Steven