What we’re about
This meetup is currently paused for the summer. See you all in September!
Iowa JavaScript
We have different "chapters" across the state. If you're interested in starting one in your area and sharing this Meetup account and the @iowajs account, let us know.
Iowa City
Our typical meetups are the 3rd Thursday of each month at MERGE at 136 S Dubuque St in downtown Iowa City.
The format is usually lightning talks, where we go around and talk about something JavaScript related (but doesn't really need to be JavaScript related, as long as it's interesting.) The can go from 5 to 15 minutes.
Snacks are graciously provided by Telepharm, and you can bring your own beverages.
Anybody who's interested in JavaScript or just hanging out with cool people can come. All skill levels are welcome, and we all have diverse programming backgrounds so we hope you'll be comfortable and have fun!