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Film 5: Persona


Nominated by Thomas, our May picture is Persona.

Recommended for fans of Mulholland Drive (our Feb film), Persona
was directed by Ingmar Bergman, and the blurb from the BBFC is as follows:

Persona is a Swedish psychological drama, from 1966, in which a young nurse moves to a remote beach house with her patient, a renowned stage actress who has suddenly and inexplicably become mute.

Cert: 15
Duration: 1h 14m

We watch the film on our DVD player/streaming service of choice, and meet every 3rd Monday at 7pm. Don't worry if you need to show up a little later than that, as we don't tend to start film discussion at 7 on the dot.

We have a break midway through to get a drink and pop to the loo, and everyone is welcome to stay on afterwards for further chat.

We meet in the upstairs room of The Thomas Wolsey pub in Ipswich. As you reach the landing, it's the room in front of you with a door, dartboard and red sofas.

We use this this pub because:

  1. There's parking nearby in the Cromwell Square car park (charged)
  2. The upstairs room has been booked just for us
  3. It's reasonably central. Map.
  4. No loud music, so we can chat and be heard
  5. It's also walking distance from several places to buy hot food

If you want to chat before showing up or would prefer to meet outside, you can DM Beren or Chris Adams on Meetup.

Photo of Ipswich Film Club group
Ipswich Film Club
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Thomas Wolsey Ipswich
9-13 Saint Peter's Street · Ipswich
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