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Fwd: 3/10 AHIP Demo in D.C.; Dr. Oliver Fein's report on Healthcare Summit

From: Dominick B.
Inviato il: mercoledì 11 marzo 2009, 22:06

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sandra Fox <[address removed]>
Date: Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 12:16 AM
Subject: 3/10 AHIP Demo in D.C.; Dr. Oliver Fein's report on Healthcare Summit
To: [address removed]

Hi all,
Tuesday March 10?was a National Call-in Day in support of HR 676, which was chosen to
coincide with the conference of America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) at the Ritz-Carlton
in Washington, D.C.? Below, in the email I forwarded from Healthcare-NOW,?
?is the YouTube video link of the demonstration in front of the hotel organized by the
Leadership Conference for Guaranteed Healthcare--National Single-Payer Alliance.?
Also, if you want to read the article posted on the Huffington Post entitled "Eric Massa Protests
Please note:? the article incorrectly states that Health Care for America Now (HCAN)? was the chief
organizer for this event.? The author?confused HCAN with Healthcare-NOW, one of our single-payer
partners.? (HCAN is promoting a plan that keeps the private insurance companies in, while recom-
mending more regulation of the industry and a public-option to compete with private insurance.)
Eric Massa is a newly elected U.S. Representative from outside of Buffalo, NY,
?who ran on a single-payer platform and ousted a Republican incumbent.?He is now one of the
three co-chairs of the HR 676 Caucus in the House of Representatives (the others being
Congressmen Conyers and Kucinich).? The purpose of the HR 676 Caucus is to encourage
other House members to educate and advocate for national single-payer healthcare.? Rep.
Massa is in charge of outreach for the Caucus?and is a?much?appreciated addition to this movement.?
?I loved watching?him in the video.
Meanwhile, to step back to Thursday March 5, the day of the White House Healthcare Summit.
Many of you contacted the White House asking for single-payer representation, and as you
know, the administration responded to that pressure plus the threat of a
Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) demonstration outside the White House during
the event, by inviting Congressman Conyers and?Oliver Fein, MD, President of PNHP, at the?
Beaver County Blue, the Progressive Democrats of America chapter in the 4th Congressional
District of PA,? has posted Dr. Fein's?report about the?Summit on their website.
Here's the link:?
Thanks to all for your actions on behalf of single-payer.
Together we can?make a difference, and already have!
Be well.
Sandy Fox
President/Co-Chair, Western PA Coalition for Single-Payer Healthcare
P.S.? Check out the?update to our website, with news--including pictures--from the Highmark protest rally!?


--- On Tue, 3/10/09, Healthcare-NOW! <[address removed]> wrote:
From: Healthcare-NOW! <[address removed]>
Subject: Video from AHIP Demo Today
To: "Healthcare-NOW!" <[address removed]>
Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 8:54 PM

Dear Single-Payer Activists and Supporters:

This is a very powerful video from today's AHIP demonstration in Washington
DC led by single-payer activists. Rep. Eric Massa [NY-29] is a newly elected
Congressman and fierce supporter of HR 676, single-payer national health care. 
He came to speak at the Demo in DC on very short notice. The single-payer
movement is lucky to have his passionate support in the halls of Congress.

Please circulate widely.

Health & Justice,


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