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Save the date

From: Bonnie
Inviato il: venerdì 15 ottobre 2010, 16:12
Hi guys,

It's been a while, we've all been really busy with work and life. So sorry about the delay. I've just been assigned this next meetup which will be happening on Friday, October 22nd but I need to confirm a location. It will either be Reggio or Parma, just to give those of you in Modena and Bologna time to make plans (Modena's just too far away for me to organize). I hope to have the final details up in the next day or two.

I've loved the ideas, I think go-karting would be an excellent option but I'm looking into the logistics and pricing. I also think it would be cool if we did something for Halloween so I'm putting it out there to you all, do any of you know a cool bar or club thats hosting a Halloween party? Some of you have been chomping at the bit for a while wanting to have a dance meetup, this could be a great opportunity to combine the two.

Another heads up, we are making plans for our Holiday Pot-Luck Dinner, those of you who were there last year know how much fun this was. This is one event you want to clear your calenders for. More than likely it will be Saturday, December 4th in the afternoon/ evening. We'll have more details for you guys later.

Out of curiosity, is anyone else planning on meeting up with Stephanie and her boyfriend tonight in Reggio?

