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New Meetup: Afternoon at Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo and Gallery Hopping

From: Tatsuya
送信済み 2010年12月5日日曜日 22:22
Announcing a new Meetup for Tokyo Museum Meetup Group!

What: Afternoon at Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo and Gallery Hopping

When: Saturday, December 11,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo
Metropolitan Kiba Park 4-1-1 Miyoshi, Koto-ku

Afternoon at Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo and Gallery Hopping

Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT) is currently holding two special exhibitions. One of them, Transformation, explores the boundary between humans and non-humans in the age of Internet, the Global Economy, and Advance Technology. "At this exhibition, a variety of images of things that traverse the human and non-human – including animals, machines, imaginary creatures and bodies with different genetic compositions – will be unveiled through paintings, sculptures, video, archives and symposiums," created by 21 artists and groups including Matthew Barney, Francesco Clemente, Jan Fabre, Masakatsu Takagi and others. The other exhibition, Catalysis for Life, show cases contemporary Dutch design, which "presents a new set of values that are the opposite of the twentieth century concept of design which pursued amenity and functionality."

Besides these exhibitions, MOT is displaying works associated with the legendary Independent Art Exhibition hosted by the Japan Art Association and the Yomiuri Shimbun between[masked] from their permanent collection, along with works by a Swiss video artist, Pipilotti Rist. Finally, Arthur will be taking us to a Gallery Hopping around Kiyosumi in the later part of the afternoon. Currently, he is planning to visit Taka Ishii Gallery, Tomio Koyama Gallery, and some other galleries in that area. There are a lot of shows to see, but hope some of you are interested in spending Saturday afternoon with me and Arthur.

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