Discover, create, host and promote events where you can enjoy yourself.
My aim is to bring real Western Culture to Japan. I'm talking fashion, music, entertainment. Good stuff.
If you're looking for something other than “language exchange” this group should be of interest to you.
Types of Events:
• Hip-hop, Drum & Bass, Dubstep music events, and festivals.
• Fashion shows and parties.
• House Parties.
• Cook-ups and Food-related.
• Skills classes/workshops.
What to Expect:
- No discriminatory pricing policy. Regardless if you are a foreigner or Japanese, access to our events will always be equal and priced the same.
- No rubbish events with fake attendee numbers.
- No weird sales pitches for bitcoin, multi-level marketing schemes (ネズミ講) or shady business proposals.
- Vibes will always be risqué, fun, uninhibited.
- Price: Same price for Japanese and non-Japanese.
Member Engagement:
If you have some sort of cultural skill or knowledge you would like to share with people through via an event, you may use this platform. I have event space available. I will personally attend those events initially to ensure quality control until trust is established. You should not focus too much on profit and see this as an opportunity to reach people.
Any cultural skill or knowledge is valuable.
If you know how to make Japanese pickles with no chemical additives, you can do an event.
If you know how to make traditional Italian pasta, you can do an event.
Talk to me.