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New Meetup: Writer's Salon Monthly Meeting Dec

From: lauren s.
送信済み 2009年11月30日月曜日 9:01
Announcing a new Meetup for The Tokyo Writers Salon!
our Last Writer's Group Monthly Meeting for 2009! Let's try to get a lot of people there! Take some writing time just for yourself before we get to the end of 2009.

What: Writer's Salon Monthly Meeting Dec

When: December 14,[masked]:30 PM

Price: 500 yen per person room fees

[masked] Shiroganedai

Our casual gathering involving short exercises, sharing writing and a chance to meet other writers. Interest in any genre ok! from 7:30 pm.

How to get there
From Shirokanedai station exit 1 -
Turn left. Walk to the traffic light. You will see a grocery store on the left side.
Turn right and cross the street. You will see a Lawsons on the right side of the street. Walk down the left side of the street.
Soon you will come to gray building with a red diamond shape sculpture in front. Go past this building and turn left.
The street slants downwards, and there is a brown art museum on the left.
Soon you will come to an old house behind a gray walled courtyard. The NEXT house, with the car port awning and red door is Tokyo HackerSpace.

also easy walk from Meguro station (about 20 mins)

map etc. here

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