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New Meetup: Sunset at Alpine Groves Park

From: Frank
Sent on: Friday, September 18, 2009, 2:40 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Jacksonville Photography Meetup Group!

What: Sunset at Alpine Groves Park

When: September 27,[masked]:00 PM

Alpine Groves Park
2060 State Road 13
Switzerland, FL

On the recommendation of our fellow members our next meetup is to be sunset at Alpine Groves Park. Sunset is at 7:17pm but I've set the meetup time at 5PM to give us plenty of time to explore what looks like to be a beautiful park.

The park, located in Fruit Cove off State Road 13, is a 55-acre property that sits along the St. Johns River. It contains 3 historic structures, a bluff overlooking the river and provides access to lower level creek and wetlands. The park is home to a variety of wildlife.

It sounds like an ideal location for a sunset meetup. Hope to see everyone there.

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