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Fwd: Denver jazz writer appreciates Dr. Dick's Good Vibes

From: Dave L.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 4, 2014, 5:19 PM

-----Original Message-----

From: Richard Tapert <[address removed]>
To: 'David Lundin' <[address removed]>; 'Bolle Sally' <[address removed]>; 'Marc Andren' <[address removed]>
Sent: Tue, Feb 4,[masked]:25 pm
Subject: FW: Denver jazz writer appreciates Dr. Dick's Good Vibes

-----Original Message-----

From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] Sent: Monday, February 03,[masked]:11 PM Cc: 'Richard Tapert' Subject: Denver jazz writer appreciates Dr. Dick's Good Vibes Dr. Dick's Good Vibes plays the Maple Theater Lounge on Friday and Saturday this weekend. 6:30 PM to 9PM each evening. See And please notice the attached appreciative review article. Thanks, Dr. Dick Tapert

This email message originally included an attachment.

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