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What we’re about

*English Below


1. 広告代理店、ソフトウェア販売、人材紹介会社などの支援会社はお呼びしていません。B2Cブランドでデジタルマーケティングを担当されている方のみ参加可能です。
2. 参加後に転職等でブランドのマーケターで無くなってしまった方は残念ながら退会をお願いします。
3. Meetupの際、受付時にお名刺とお役職を拝見させていただきます。


JBMC is a community for only who take care of digital marketing in B2C brand. We believe we can learn the most from the real stories of people doing the similar work. Let's connect, learn and share together!

★Community Policy★
1. We don't invite any advertising agencies, software sales, recruiting firms, or other supporters. Only people who take care of digital marketing in B2C brand is allowed to join.
2. If you are no longer a brand marketer due to a job change or other reason after participating in this community, we are afraid of asking you to leave the meeting.
3. We will ask to see your business card and position at the reception desk during the Meetup.

Upcoming events

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