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Philly marathon - car pool anyone?

From: Brigitte
Sent on: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 10:56 PM
Hello Runners,

Running the Philly marathon? Need to get there or have place in your car for fellow runners?

Please send me a message to let me know if you plan on running the Philly marathon (or half-marathon) in November. In your message, include the following:

1) name
2) do you need a ride?
3) are you driving down? If so, can you provide transport for fellow jersey city runners and how many?

The plan for most of us is to leave Saturday afternoon and return after cooling down on Sunday. If there is not enough interest in car pooling, some of us may Bolt bus-it down there together. Transportation will probably determine accommodations (driving cars means it will be easier to stay somewhere cheap outside Philly...we can SEPTA into town on race day).

Run on.

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