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Mtb Mountain Lion Golden Gate Canyon State Park


Good Technical fun on the Mountain Lion Trail

Standard Route: 10 miles 2483 ft climbing 2483 ft descending

Plan on two loops on the Mountain Lion loop for this outing. The mileage and vert listed above will increase with the addition of the second lap. I expect a lot of grumbling when we start the second loop but that will quickly be forgotten as we make the second descent down the chunky gnar of Mountain Lion.

Good technical skills are required for this ride. If you are questioning your skill level it may be a good indication that you should skip this ride and catch the next one. We will head out of the lot and combine a few trails to make a good loop but best part is the Mountain Lion section which we will probably hit twice.
I recommend carpooling to this ride because there is a $10 entry fee per car to enter the park.
Meet at the " Big Daddy Bagels" parking lot (106 N Rubey Dr, Golden, CO 80403) off HWY 93 in Golden and we will get everyone stuffed into cars. We actually park in the center island area between the bagel shop and the shops to the east. Once we are loaded we will head toward the Nott Creek trailhead and start our ride from there. Bring along some money for the entrance fee and meet at the carpool point at 5:15. Of course you are welcome to skip the carpool shenanigans and head directly to the trailhead if that will work better for you. Hopefully we will be at the trailhead lot ready to ride by 6

Please RSVP if you plan to attend this ride.

1. Don't be late. If you are late it's YOUR responsibility to catch up. We are all racing the sunset.
2. No whining. This is a VOLUNTARY ride. If we are too slow, too fast, it's too hot, too cold, or too windy...please stay home and eat Cheetos instead
3. Show up even if the weather looks bad, most times it looks way worse than it really is. If we can't ride due to weather we will end up heading to a local pub for Happy Hour so your efforts won't be wasted.

Photo of Jefferson County Mountain Bikers (Jeffco MTB) group
Jefferson County Mountain Bikers (Jeffco MTB)
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Nott Creek Parking Lot
Drew Hill Rd · Golden Gate Canyon, CO