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What we’re about

Greetings Dear Jeddah Walkers
🌹 .
I'm glad to have friend who share same interests about walking activities.
. In this group we will share great times and woundeful places and spots.
. Our average walking distance is 3km
. We will get combined 4 times a month
2 walks at 8:00 am
2 walks after 8:00 pm
. Before every walking event, i will provide mineral water in small bottles to help during walking.
. After each walking event, i will provide juice, hot drinks, simple snacks.
. Let's be together
And we will be better
. You deserve the best always
. Note:
Who appears in our gatherings will be added to the Whatsapp group.
. Thanks for joining
My best regards

Upcoming events (4+)

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