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Re: [justusgirlfriendsny] Help me pick our trip for next year!

From: Fiona
Sent on: Tuesday, December 18, 2012, 11:26 AM
Both options sound good, I have always wanted to so both. I think DR would be great around Memorial weekend, there ate and the cruise around July since Europe would be warmer that time of year. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 18, 2012, at 10:54 AM, Samantha Murdock <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi dolls,


I will be posting our trip for next year in January...I am torn between Dominican Republic which should run about $600-$700 (this is an estimate..and yes I know we can go for cheaper but I don't stay in anything less than 4 or 5 stars...I just don't) or a cruise to Western Europe (Spain, Florence, Rome, and Monte Carlo)...This trip will be between $1500-$2000 (estimate). Dominican Republic is cheaper obviously and includes all your meals and drinks...the cruise is more expensive but still really cheap when considering we get to see different countries and our meals woould be taken care of (no drinks). Both trips prices includes airfare and transportation. I havent selected a date yet because it depends on the location. If we do DR it will be sooner than the cruise because I want to give you all a few months to pay. I would love all of your input. Let me know what you think :)



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