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Upcoming events at Amitayus Center

From: Julie
Sent on: Saturday, January 11, 2014, 12:51 PM

Hello everyone,

Here is some information about upcoming events at Amitayus Center.


Saturday, January 18th - Meditation Day Course: Living the Dream

Free yourself from anger, resentment, and blame by understanding the dream-like nature of people and things.  Join us for a meditation day course on the Buddhist view of emptiness.

No meditation experience necessary. Everyone is welcome.  This course will be taught by Gen Tenzin.

$30 for non-members, $15 for members.

11:00am-4:00pm.  See calendar event for a detailed schedule.


Saturday, February 8th - Urban Retreat: Meditations for a Clear Mind

Starting in February Amitayus Center will offer a retreat every month.  These retreats are designed to fit into our busy lives, with three 45-minute sessions throughout the day.  Attend all three, or drop into any session as your schedule allows.

Come relax with three guided meditations on the nature of our mind that lead to mental clarity and inner peace — discover your own inner potential for lasting peace and happiness.  This retreat will be led by Gen Tenzin.





$5 per session.

Friday, February 14th - Love Panel and Valentine's Party

Invigorate your relationships.  Learn to embrace the people in your life with a warm and accommodating heart. Come to a Valentine’s Day celebration with a Buddhist Love Panel and fabulous desserts.


By donation.  Everyone is welcome.

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