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New karaoke Meetup this Friday night in Rockville

From: David G.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 5, 2016, 6:46 PM

Hi everyone -

Just a brief reminder for you Maryland folks and anyone else who has been looking for more karaoke alternatives here in MoCo......I'll be kicking off weekly Friday night karaoke as a Karaoke AllStars event at the American Tap Room in the heart of downtown Rockville on January 8th from 9pm to 12am! ATR has a 2nd happy hour every night, Fridays included, that they run through closing (appetizers through 11pm - that's when the kitchen closes) and this Friday everyone who sings will be entered into drawings to win I survived the microphone at a Dave The Karaoke Guy show swag from my Zazzle store (must be present to win), including a very cool 21-oz. ceramic beer stein (*I* don't even have one of those!).

The American Tap Room is in Rockville Town Center on Maryland Avenue across from the main square/skating rink. It's about a 10-minute walk from the Rockville station on Metro's red line. If you're driving, it's right next to Garage B, where you can park with validation for free for 2 hours, 2-3 hours for $2, and 3-6 hours for $3.

I hope to see some old faces on Friday night and to meet some new ones! And if you can't make it on Friday, I'll be there regularly on Friday nights from 9pm to 12am.

Dave Gaines
a.k.a. Dave The Karaoke Guy