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All Stars Karaoke 05/13/16 @ Recessions

From: Mer
Sent on: Friday, May 6, 2016, 2:03 PM

AllStars Karaoke
  • Friday, May 13, 2016

    8:00 PM

  • Recessions

    1823 L Street Northwest, Washington, DC (map)


  • Let us quench our thirst of singing by a lively Karaoke night out. The whole group accompanies you when you sing and we will be your background singers. It would be fun!




    I organize this with my other meetups and you will get to network and mingle with insanely wicked socialites.

    Recession is a block away from Farragut North Metro Sation (take L Street Exit) and also a two blocks away from Farragut West Metro Station (take 18th Street Exit). Check it on and plan accordingly.

    Street parking might be difficult. However, if you plan to drive, there is a 24 hours parking garage (PMI[masked]th St. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (