What we’re about
Everyone loves to make people laugh, and now there’s a way to get in on the action. The Kari-Jokie concept is simple: instead of getting up and singing a song, the audience member delivers jokes that scroll onscreen. The website (http://karijokie.com) offers hundreds of comedy routines in different fun categories, each ready to start scrolling with a single click. K-J can be performed in clubs, bars, public restrooms or in the comfort of your own home . . . anywhere you can set up your laptop or mobile device. Join the group to meet other Kari-Jokers and be invited to parties and performances in the San Diego area.
WHAT is KARI-JOKIE? Basically, it’s karaoke for jokes. Like karaoke, audience members come up, make their choice and deliver it to the crowd. Unlike karaoke, you don’t have to be able to sing. You don’t even need to be able to remember a joke, though the ability to read is a definite plus.
AUDITION for "KARI-JOKIE, the MOVIE"!!! It’s a feature film about the exciting new comedy phenomenon, Kari-Jokie. FilmNet Studios San Diego and Karl Weiss are ready to start auditions, and create lots of fun content along the way to fuel the Kari-Jokie craze.
WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR? Actors and actresses ages 18 through 35 (or so). Please send face and body shots to mindtraveler@san.rr.com.
WHEN ARE AUDITIONS HELD? Monday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons. If you can’t make any of these times, please let us know and we’ll see if we can figure something out. Part of the auditions will also take place at actual Kari-Jokie events in local venues. Take a look at the website and you’ll get the idea. (See http://karijokie.com/kj_the_movie_audition.htm.)