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What we’re about

I was part of a practice group like this for several years in NM and it was such a wonderful time of growth for me. Now we use the drills as a warmup at my Saturday jiujitsu class and I'm wanting to start another group for during the week.

It's a combination of traditional martial arts and contemporary corrective exercise/ rehab. Basically, it's solo, partner, and group exercises and drills that improve posture, natural movement, breathing and tension, in a learn- thru-play style (experiential learning).

We focus on developing the body for effortless, powerful, precise, subtle and diverse movement, and for the psyche to be free of tension, self-pity, fear, doubt, delusion and pride. Increase your capacity for insight and keep your mind free.

Each drill can be modified for one's own pace and comfort level. We'll organize the classes to cover a specific principle amd with each, I'll tell you where the information comes from and what if any is my opinion.

Open to anyone of any skill or fitness level. No hierarchy, no dogmas, just good honest training.

Typical class structure-

10 minute warmup: basic movements and box breathing with walking
5 min: topic introduction
25 min: topical drills- methodology
10 min: topical drills- application
10 min: cooldown

My credentials/background -
- Personal Trainer since 2008 (ACE) Medical Exercise Specialist (ACE), Corrective Exercise Specialist (NASM) Functional Movement Screen Level 1 (FMS)
- Brazilian Jiujitsu black belt
- Texas A&M Biomedical Sciences 2007

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