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Rye Spur Trail Work Event

Photo of Jeremy ‘Chili’ Macko
Hosted By
Jeremy ‘Chili’ M.
Rye Spur Trail Work Event


National Forest Service/High Desert Trail Riders Back Country Horsemen/Klamath Trails Alliance Trail Work Event

When: SAT, June 22 0900-1600

Where: Rye Spur Trailhead Hwy 140

About: Meet at the Rye Spur Trailhead on Hwy 140 for a collaborative trail work day along the RST. We are limiting the total group to a maximum of thirty people. We plan to form six separate crews to work along various parts of the Rye Spur Trail:

Team 1 Lower – 140 (up) to Lower Canal
Team 2 Middle West – Lower Canal Road (up) to Horse Camp Via South Ridge
Team 3 Middle East – Lower Canal Road (up) to Horse Camp Via Main Rye Spur
Team 4 Upper – Campground (down) to Horse Camp, including Bill Swamp segment
Team 5 Bridge/Signs
Team 6 Food and Beverage

Each Trail Team would have at least 5 people:

1 Chainsaw Team (sawyer/swamper)

2 brusher/loppers/helpers

1 horse/mule/rider to carry stuff

The Bridge/Sign Team will be vehicle based (mobile) and have 3-5 people.

The Food and Beverage Team will have 3-5 people and be staged at the Horse Camp to prep and serve snacks (or meal) and drinks when we finish.

The NFS/BCH/KTA will supply the tools

Hosting: National Forest Service (Heather Berg), High Desert Trail Riders Back Country Horsemen (Ron Stewart), and Klamath Trails Alliance (Teresa Ross, Linda Tessman, Misty and Lee Heckman, and Jeremy Macko)

Photo of Klamath Trails Alliance group
Klamath Trails Alliance
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