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How would you like to see this meetup group run?

From: David W
Sent on: 2010년 10월 17일 일요일 오후 11:59
Hi Opera Fans!

I have opened a poll on our meetup site. If you have a chance, please let me know your opinion about the following:

Due to the nature of nearly identical performances being available on different dates, this meetup group has, in the past, been run in multiple ways with varying levels of success. For example, initially the organizer picked one performance date, and that was the date of the meetup. However, we have also tried leaving all performance dates open for RSVP's, so that any group of 2 or more could use this site as a place to arrange to watch a performance together. This meant that some dates would not have an organizer in attendance, but anyone could make their own arrangements to meet before, during, or after a performance. I am opening this poll to try to get a better idea of what you, the members, prefer. Please log on to the meetup site, and find the poll under More->Polls. Then you can select a choice below indicating how you want to see this meetup group run.

-Your organizer

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