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Meetup availability

From: user 9.
Sent on: Monday, November 30, 2009, 8:30 PM

I wanted to drop everyone a line to propose a meetup schedule. I would like to hold meetups twice a month, but I don't know if we should stick to the same day, or alternate between a couple of days. I would like the schedule to be convenient enough that everyone could attend at least one meetup a month. Here are the options I am playing around with right now.

Every other Sunday around 1pm (for example January 3rd and January 17th)

One Monday evening around 8pm followed by one Sunday afternoon around 1pm (for example January 4th and January 17th)

I'm going to open this up for a vote on our meetup site.

At the last meetup we discussed that, in addition to opening the meetings with a lesson, it might be helpful to pick a theme for each meetup. The theme would be something like; introductions, eating and drinking, shopping, etc. We could post the theme a week or two before the meetup to give us all a chance to practice vocabulary before the meetup, so that conversation can go a little more smoothly (especially for newbies like me). I will start a thread on the message board to discuss the "theme of the week" idea.

Arigato gozaimasu!

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