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Re: [cooking-415] Another Free Sample - Italian Pasta!

From: Sally
Sent on: Wednesday, March 26, 2008, 8:27 AM
Dear Ms. Nasha,

If you can come to the next meetups, I'll bring them, and for other people who want to try other products more than spaghetti,,, they have all kinds of pasta:

Acini De Pepe
Alphabet and Numbers
Angel Hair
Bow Ties
Cut Mafalda
Egg Pasta
Elbow macaroni
Fusilli Bucati
Mastaccioli Rigati
Pennini Rigati
Rainbow Bowties and Radiatore
Small Shells
Spinach pasta
Wagon Wheels

I don't know if Suzuki-san can get us any kind, but I'll ask him...

Thank you for joining!

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 8:11 AM, Ms.Nasha <[address removed]> wrote:
Girl you and these generous samples. Yes, please I would love a sample of the pasta. It'll go straight to my thighs, but I'd love to sample it. How do I get it?


From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [cooking-415] Another Free Sample - Italian Pasta!
Date: Wed, 26 Mar[masked]:03:22 -0400

Good morning, everyone,

I'm a member of an alumni association in LA of my university in Tokyo, and one of the LA member is a manager of a Japanese flour mills company called "Nippn".

They are the second largest in th industry in Japan, and they have factories and offices overseas including California. I have talked to him to get us free samples and he did!

How lucky I am! Thank you so much, Suzuki-san! But the thing is I wanted to have them demonstrate to showcase their special kind of flour so that we will know the difference, but he said they only deals with brokers. However, he said they had Italian pasta products called "Costa Pasta."

According to the booklet, it says:

"Costa Pasta maintains a strict code of manufacturing, using only the finest ingredients: Semolina Durum Wheat, Spinach and Tomato Flavoring, and USDA Grade A Eggs. Costa is proud to be Kosher Certified by the Orthodox Union. Costa Pasta produces all its pasta with a passion and since 1923 its tradition of fine pasta has become the standard bearer of pasta in the West. Today Costa Pasta continues the tradition and dedication to a commitment to, "Nothing But the Best".

They use Nippn's flour from Montana and Dakota, and he says it tastes good cooked al dente! I'm sorry I'm always talking about Japan, but Japanese people love Italian pasta, and they seem to know really well how to cook them (well, we love noodles - ramen, udon, soba, etc.) The first time I tasted pasta dish here in LA I was so surprised at overcooked noodles, it almost grossed me out..sorry.

Anyways, I have three 16oz bags of spaghetti he sent me and plan to ask him for more samples (Suzuki-san, yoroshiku onegai shimasu!) and I like you guys to try using it and tell me your feedback. If interested in receiving the sample, please let me know.

Wait a minute. If I combine this pasta products and tuna samples Nexon is generously donating, maybe I can create a meetup to cook Italian dish?! Anybody wants to teach?! Let me know.

If you'd like to taste good al dente pasta dish in Japanese influenced sauce, this is my favorite place in Gardena.


1601 W Redondo Beach Blvd
Gardena, CA 90247

Maybe we can have a meetup there one day. Would like to come? Please contact me as it helps me to decide how many people I should include...

Have a nice Wednesday!


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