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Looking for a venue for Romanian Cooking Meetup!

From: Sally
Sent on: Thursday, February 5, 2015, 1:32 AM


Dear members,


We have a member originally from Romania and we'd like to have her teach us how to cook Romanian food using the recipes from her grandmother and aunt.))

I would really appreciate it if some of you can offer your place for this cooking class. The menu might be something like this:

-Chorba Soup with meatballs

-Stuffed cabbage (With ground meet - or vegetarian with rice& tomatoes)  or

-Rumania Kebab  or

-Liuteniza - Fire Roasted Eggplant & red pepper salad

-Burekas (Cheese filled filo dough pastries)  or

-Creme Karamel (The Rumanian  version of Flan)

It would be great if Rumanian kebab could be grilled on a BBQ grill, but if not it can be also broiled.

Please let me know if you're interested in opening your place for 6 - 12 depending on the kitchen size.  Thank you in advance for your response!




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