What we’re about
This group is for families to share their interests, careers, hobbies and/or passions with each other in an accessible, hands-on format. We ask that each family post one family-led event or workshop each year and commit to a (tentative) date for that event/workshop in order to remain a member.
Past workshops have included: levitating magnets and making ice cream from liquid nitrogen with a UCLA chemistry professor dad, stargazing led by an astrophysicist dad, a mythology workshop by an art historian mom, a cooking class with a family of chefs, and an intro to probability class led by two mathematician dads. There is also a cooperative Young Makers Club in which families take turns to lead/host activities.
All families with kids in grades K-12 are welcome to join, but many workshops are hosted by homeschoolers and therefore may be during school hours. For more homeschool activities, join LA Homeschoolers here:
Please read before you join! By joining the group, you agree to the following:
This is a cooperative, member-run (unmoderated) group. The group "owners/organizers" are such in name only--we try to maintain the Meetup group site for members to use, but will neither attend all workshops/events nor know the details of all of them, so please email the event "host" if you have a question about a posted event.
Everyone knows that plans change, but PLEASE remember to update your RSVP if you can no longer attend a Meetup, giving enough time for the people on the waiting list to take your spot.
Workshops should be free, though families may charge for material fees related to their workshop.
Members should be considerate of other members and be responsible for his/her family's behavior and safety and help foster a friendly and nonviolent atmosphere. Please do not engage in bullying, harassment, flaming, or other aggressive behavior in-person or on-line. Members who are recognized to be consistently failing to uphold group policies may be removed from the group.
This is a virtual group with open membership--anyone on the Internet can join. Please use common sense when participating, as you would do in other online communities, and don't send out personal information (such as your address or phone number, for example) to members you do not know.
We hope to meet you soon!
Go to "group tools" drop-down menu and select "schedule a Meetup."
Please note that when you post a new event, though it will appear on the website immediately, there may be a short delay (up to 24 hours) before your event is announced (emailed) to other members with you designated as the event "host." Once you are designated the host, you can add an RSVP limit to your post.