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Meetup Recap/Future Plans

From: Brian E.
Sent on: Sunday, March 1, 2009, 7:08 PM
Hello fellow photographers,

A couple of quick items to keep the momentum of our group going!

Middle Creek Event Recap
Thanks to everyone who braved the cold and the elements this morning at Middle Creek.? While the geese proved somewhat elusive for those of us with shorter lenses, and the weather, while holding off on the freezing rain was nonetheless a little frigid, I thought hearing the sound of the geese take off en masse from the lake was exhilarating, and well worth the effort of getting out of bed so early.? Thanks again to Mike B. for putting this event together and getting lots of useful information out about Middle Creek prior to the event!

Remember to post your photos from this event to either the meetup event photo page or to our companion flickr group.? Looks like Deb and Jeremy already have some great photos up on Flickr!

New Member Meetup
I've scheduled a meetup for later this month for new members only.? I thought this would give folks who haven't had a chance to get out to a meetup yet the opportunity to get involved in the group without feeling overwhelmed.? Find out more about this meetup below:

March/April/May Meetups
There's lots of room left in March for an additional photo meetup if there's interest.? We also don't have anything on the board for April so ideas and suggestions for outings are very welcome.? Email me with your plans for a photo outing, etc. and we'll see if we can make it happen.

I think I'll be putting together a beginner's workshop focusing on the exposure triangle for our less-experienced members in April in addition to a regular as yet determined event.? If you would like to be a part of the workshop and help folks get the most out of their cameras, please email me to let me know your ideas or how you would like to get involved.?

We'll also schedule something for Tacquan Glen in May.

Meetup Message Boards
Our meetup message boards have been heating up!? Check them out here:

Till next time, Keep shooting,

Brian E.


Brian T. Evans
[address removed]

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