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Re: Presentation workshop, anyone?

From: Mieczysław Daniel D.
Sent on: Saturday, May 18, 2013, 6:53 AM
I think this is a great idea!

What gave me the confidence to speak in front of a large group is having spoken at a Toastmasters group of 15 people. I practiced a total of 10 speeches in front of them over the course of a year and a half and got feedback from them as to how I could improve. This helped me a lot and I feel there are ways I can still prove.

Alf, you are spot on about the feedback and limiting the size of this workshop to a few people. I would attend such an event. Depending on when it is held I could also pass along what I learned from Toastmasters to those who attend. I too am still learning how to incorporate everything I have learned when I speak in front of an audience. Like any kind of skill, it takes deliberate, frequent practice.

Mieczysław Daniel Dyba
Electrical Engineering Associate II
ITS Network Engineering & Security
Los Angeles Department of Water & Power
Github (Social Coding):
Mobile: (323)[masked]

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