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Can You Help? Cost nothing

From: D. S.
Sent on: Thursday, October 16, 2014, 7:43 AM


Need your help to qualify for a Chase grant.

All we need is your vote to get us to the next level.

1. Go to

2. Click on Vote

3. You will be prompted to log in to your facebook account to activate vote. (Their way of stopping multiple votes from one person)

We need to reach 250 votes by this Friday (10/17) to make it to the next level of consideration by Chase Bank.  So if you can help -- we need it now!

The grant is to provide funds to Organic Edibles (501C3)/Cowboy Trail Farms to develop Vertical growing of food in Las Vegas. If the project works it will be used as a model for development across the USA.

Vertical Growing yields better food with 85% less water use. We are growing this way at the farm now, but need the funds to build out an indoor facility in Vegas to prove this can be used anywhere there is a need.

When you go to the link it shows a picture of New York because the person who is helping us lives there and you know how all NY people believe the rest of the country is just a suburb of NY-so don't let that confuse you.  The grant is for us here in Las Vegas.

This is one time you can help and it cost you nothing but a few minutes of your time.

Thanks for you help with this.


P.S. Visit us at for information about us.


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