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Re: [largedog-49] New Meetup: Snickers Birthday Party (and all other fall pooches!)

From: Amanda
Sent on: Monday, November 23, 2009, 7:21 AM

I never like to 'reply all' to these things, but I thought it would be appropriate in this case.? I found a gorgeous pit bull (mix?) a few days ago and have yet to find his owner.? I've posted flyers/craigslist ads/petmart/petco etc etc but have had no luck :-(? I took the dog to the doctor, got his shots (just in case) and gave him a good cleaning!!? He has been an angel...he is house trained, no barking, follows commands and is a big snuggler (and by big, I mean 84 pounds of snuggling!!)? I would keep him in a heartbeat, but I already have two other dogs...a pit and a boxer!? There are staying with family members while I figure this all out!? I won't be able to keep him here for much longer and don't want to take him to any sort of shelter, so I'm looking for a loving home for this adorable guy!? If anyone knows of a possible family him PLEASE let me know.? Also, if anyone might be willing to be a 'foster parent' while we look for permanent owners that would be great too ;-) Please feel free to contact/call me with ANY QUESTIONS or ANY POSSIBILITIES.? Your time is so greatly appreciated!!!!? His description follows...I tried posting pics, but the e-mail wouldn't send with them. I'd be more than happy to send some directly to any of you though ;-)
-all tan
-approx 4-5 years (according to the doctor)
-tail and ears are not clipped


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