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New Meetup: All-You-Can-Eat KBBQ and Max Karaoke

From: user 8.
Sent on: Monday, March 23, 2009, 1:17 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Craving for ASIAN FOOD!

What: All-You-Can-Eat KBBQ and Max Karaoke

When: April 3,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: The dinner will start promptly at 5:30 and we'll start the karaoke promptly at 7:00. I have to stay on schedule to get the happy hour prices. Please specify when RSVPing if you'll attend the KBBQ dinner or if you'll attend to both. I need an accurate head count for reservations. Thanks!

Let's start with All-You-Can-Eat Korean BBQ at Koji Buffet Restaurant. Dinner is $19.99 and you get all you can eat meat, with Korean side dishes, seafood, salad and dessert. The place is clean, not smokey, and good for groups. The best part is they have a good variety of beer and wine!!! Woo-hoo! Here's the link to Yelp's reviews

Afterwards we can walk (or stumble, depending on how much you had to drink) to Max Karaoke. Max Karaoke is touted as having the largest playlist of karaoke music. They have happy hour everyday from 1pm to 8pm, $5 per person. We'll reserve our own room, so no need to be shy, you can belt out the tunes with fellow foodies. Here's the link to Yelp reviews

Hope to see you there! And bring your best Elvis impersonation!

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