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The Atlanta REIA Onsite Renovation Group (ORG), led by Lynn Overall, is an educational and networking group that focuses on the acquisition, renovation and retail resale (fix and flip) of single family residential homes. The Onsite Group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at NOON at an active renovation site, build site or rental property which will vary from month to month and be announced prior to the meeting on the Atlanta REIA Calendar. (

The Onsite Renovation Group will focus on properties inside the I-285 perimeter and the in-town neighborhoods. The purpose of this group is to allow both new and experienced rehabbers and investors to meet, network and share knowledge and experience with “hands on” access to real property.

The Onsite Renovation Group is not a sales venue and no selling is allowed. As always, there is no charge for Atlanta REIA members to attend. Guests pay only $20 at the door.

Photo of Late Nite Networking for Atlanta Real Estate Professionals group
Late Nite Networking for Atlanta Real Estate Professionals
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Every 3rd Tuesday of the month

Needs a location