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Here's to MORE LAUGHTER! Laughter Yoga for Health!

Photo of Alexa
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Here's to MORE LAUGHTER!  Laughter Yoga for Health!


Join our online zoom laughter club session!

We meet to laugh and to have fun for 45-60 minutes, letting go of stress and tension and connecting in a positive and playful way. Ho ho ha ha ha, let the stress melt away!

Got anxiety? Got stress? Feeling social isolated and in need of connection?

Experience unconditional, mindful laughter FOR YOUR HEALTH! Created by a medical doctor in India 29 years ago, this laughter exercise program has gone global and is being practiced by young and old in 120+ countries and at 20'000 laughter clubs.

Why do people LOVE Laughter Yoga? It's simple and effective! It's fun and can be practiced by all ages and people of all cultures and backgrounds.

It is non religious and non political. All are welcome!

Laughter Yoga is the combination of:

  1. laughter exercises (based on everyday situations rather than on jokes & comedy)
  2. deep yogic breathing exercises (no yoga poses!) , some stretching and simple movements
  3. a yoga nidra mindfulness meditation (we end our laughter practice with a short grounding and peaceful meditation)

Why practice Laughter Yoga?
Here are just a few benefits: reduction of stress hormones (cortisol) , improved mood and fosters social connections/reduces feelings of loneliness, energizes, boosts immunities, fosters overall well being for body, mind & spirit. It feels awesome to laugh like a child again!!!

This is a FREE online laughter club session.
Join the fun on Mondays at 6:00 PM EDT
For the link and password, please write to to ask for it the day before or up to two hours prior to the session.

If you are able to perform mild aerobic exercise and have the willingness to laugh, then you are all set!

Wear comfortable clothing, and have a bottle of water handy. Bring a family member or friend!

Besides this, Alexa leads customized sessions, for school kids, the corporate world, the medical community, groups in recovery, private parties and senior living communities. Alexa trains others to become certified Laughter Yoga leaders and teachers. She trains therapists, nurses, social workers, teachers and others and offers CEU credits through her workshops and trainings.

Alexa is also the Executive Director of, a non profit organization serving to promote Laughter Yoga through educational programs and research in the USA.

For more information, please contact Alexa Drubay, certified Laughter Yoga Master Trainer at or call 215 478 5669 for more information.

Photo of Philadelphia Area LAUGHTER YOGA Club (Delaware County, PA) group
Philadelphia Area LAUGHTER YOGA Club (Delaware County, PA)
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50 spots left