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Source knows your worthiness— Abraham Hicks

From: Lorna L.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 10:48 PM

Source knows your worthiness��� Abraham Hicks

Source knows your worthiness���when you complain that you're not smart,
you feel the discord. Source knows your value���when you think you are
insignificant, you feel the discord. Source knows your brilliance���when
you think you're not smart, you feel the discord. In other words, you,
if you will pay attention to the way you feel, can get a reading in
every single moment about how well you are doing with your thought in
vibrational relationship to how Source is doing in thinking about you,
in recognizing who you are���no, it's even more than that���in BEING that
nonphysical part of you.

The way you feel in every moment is your indication of how well you
are doing about being that which your life has caused you to become.
Oh, this is so significant���we want so much for you to hear it. You
cannot hold back from that which you have become. Life cannot cause
you to expand and you continue to beat the drum of where you are,
without you feeling bad about it. You feel unfulfilled. You feel
empty. You feel fitful. You feel like something's wrong. And the
reason you feel that way is because you, by virtue of what you are
choosing to focus upon, are preventing yourself from going where you
deserve to be.

You deserve to live the manifestation of all of this wonderful stuff
that's in your vibrational escrow. And we hold these gatherings in
order to assist you in closing that gap. But we don't want to give you
the impression that we want you to close the gap and keep it closed.
Because expansion is about having life, which opens the gap, figuring
out how to close it, having a new perspective from which you have
contrasting experience, which opens the gap and you figure out how to
close it.

And for those of you who are trying to complete things, that might be
a little unsettling to you. And it is our desire that you come with us
in our knowledge that you don't want to complete things and you never
can complete things and that life is about this gap. Life literally is
about the crack between where I am and where I want to be. And when
you accept that, and you begin to go with the flow of that, now you
begin to live life in the most sensational way.

Abraham-Hicks, Asheville, NC, 4/30/06

Lorna Sophia
What You Think About, You Bring About
Launching January 2008