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Re: [lawofattraction-262] Fw: 14th Annual Solar Wave

From: Phil
Sent on: Thursday, March 20, 2008, 5:32 PM
This is a very tricky question and has beena round a long time......where does the free will of one being leave off and the free will of next begin?
Like the joke that goes this way:
Three people go out to lunch one day and on the way back from tne bar, they meet a genie (or jinni to be policitally correct).  The genie agrees to grant each one one wish.
"I know!" says the first .  "I want to be on a South Seas Island surrounded by sun, sand, and tropical breezes".  The genie waves a hand and poof! He is gone to the Tahitian Islands.
The second friend says "I want to visit all the great cities of Europe one by one."  The genie nods and poof! he is gone as well.
The third friend just looks sad and says, "I want my two friends back."
So how do we resolve the conflict of opposing desires? And what if one person is aligned with Source, desiring peace, harmony and good things, and along comes another who wants to kill the optimist?  Do we simply bend to the free will of the killer and say okay, go ahead and kill people?
Or can we assume that deep down everyone wants peace and harmony and good things, and any disconnect from Source is the result of frustration, hurt, anger, etc and that the rest of us, working for widespread peace and harmony should jsut go ahead and work for it, thinking that the disconnected soul will actually like it better than his immediate desire to hurt others?
As I said, a very tricky question.....

Lorna Levy <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey group
This is a response to another group's post, but I wondered what you all think?
From: energyteacher <[address removed]>
To: Free your Mind <[address removed]>
Sent: Thursday, March 20,[masked]:10:21 PM
Subject: Re: 14th Annual Solar Wave

To a certain extent, I appreciate messages like this and think they are good.
But on the other hand, sometimes I feel that to do something like this is to intrude on others free will. After all, as hard as it may be to accept, we have wars because some people want wars - and all kinds of other disharmony. Do we really have the right to impose our desires on 'the whole world'? Sort of feels like colonialism, to me - no matter how good the intent.
Are we really respecting others rights to create their own reality? What do you all think? This is where the metaphysical gets political. At what point do we force or enforce change - even if it is for peace - and at what point do we leave people alone? 
Please, don't anyone take offense at this. I'm just musing and questioning.
Lorna Sophia

Think About What You Think About
Launching March 2008
DATE: Thu, 20 Mar[masked]:32:52 -0700 (PDT)
SUBJECT: 14th Annual Solar Wave
When two or more are gathered together in a common focus, the power to change the world is multiplied......
Aluna Joy is orchestrating a Solar Wave, a 32 minute gathering of positive mass consciousness to activate a spontaneous healing of discordant energy and usher in an age of Peace, Harmony, Love, Compassion and Impeccability.

You may gather and participate from anywhere in the world ... simply hold a space of Love and Gratitude and you will be riding a wave of cosmic proportions, along with hearts and minds from all over the planet!

Click here for more info, and to find your local time to ride the Solar Wave:

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