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two from Abe

From: Lorna L.
Sent on: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 10:56 PM
And so, it is the contrast or the diversity that that helps you to
formulate your decision. And often the strongest decisions come out of
the worst situations. It's those unbearable or deplorable things that
often give the rocket of desire the greatest thrust.

But what goes wrong with so many people is, once the desire is born,
then they keep looking back and trying to justify the desire by
pointing out how bad things are--and when they look back, they just
include that vibration, which makes them a muted, clutter filter. They
are not a vortex that is doing any summoning toward what they want.

If you let a negative situation build that rocket of desire within
you, and you focus upon the way you want it to be.

And then you imagine that. You dream that. You amplify that. You look
for evidence of that. You talk about that. You script that. You find
the feeling place of that. You hold yourself in that vibration and you
create that.

You open the vortex, single-handedly, that hundreds of thousands,
millions, then benefit from, because of your attention to the subject.

Most of you do not believe that you have that kind of power of focus.

Abraham Hicks 
Are you understanding that appreciation and self-love is the most
important tool that you could ever nurture, that the appreciation of
others and the appreciation of yourself is the closest vibrational
match to your Source energy of anything that we have ever witnessed?
When you are appreciating or when you are loving or when you are
acknowledging the value of something, you are in that moment a
vibrational match to the Source that is truly you.

Abraham Hicks
Spokane, WA, 5/30/00

Lorna Sophia

"What You Think About, You Bring About"
Moving You From Stuck to Results
with personal coaching in law of attraction

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