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Re: [lawofattraction-262] any burning questions in loa?

From: Phil
Sent on: Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 10:50 AM
If needy people are still showing up in your experience, there is something in your vibration that attracts them.  It may be such a practiced thought that you are not conscious of it very much....but it is there.
You might want to try some meditation and reflection on this, or doing some processes. While it does not mean you are needy, it may mean you gain something from having needy people around you, such as being needed. I find it somewhat uplifting when people recognize me for what I've learned and am willing to share, so I get asked often.  But if I don't feel like answering questions on a given day, I don't get asked.

Maria <[address removed]> wrote:
Its kind of interesting that subject matters that I am experiencing always show up on LOA meetup email. lol.
I do the same when people tend to vent. I try to help and offer my idea if they ask. but when they continue I also hear blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda. sometimes I get annoyed and tend to get blunt. I am sorry it becomes annoying. lol. I am happy to say that I notice that I do not let any negative opinions bother me. If I tell someone something( general info) about my business, life etc. and they come back with a negative response I just ignore it. It used to infuriate me but I am over that nonsense.
I do wonder though, I am a strong personality,a happy, friendly person. And I try to be around and attract the same. BUT I tend to attract needy people. I do not mind helping people, but sometimes it gets exhausting. they may be in a difficult relationship or need to be lifted emotionally etc.
any thoughts on this.
In a message dated 7/20/2008 6:08:03 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [address removed] writes:
Hi Misha;
As far as people feeling their need to vent.....I don't mind listening as long as I am clear my purpose is to invite them up to a higher vibration, not to go down and commiserate with them.  If it's someone who really wants to engage in the "Isn't It Awful" game, I change the subject, or apprear to let my eyes glaze over (a sign to nearly anyone I'm not a good candidate for the game).
Engaging im problem-solving can be tricky.  Depending on who it is, I may talk more in depth about whatever his/her/their subject is and whether they are really looking for help, or just want someon to hold his/her/their hand. And it's not really problem solving I offer as much as coaching....people don't need my advice as much as my support and encouragement. And one thing I DO NOT do is to offer coaching without permission or to someone who just wants to vent but not listen.  If all someone really want to do is complain, I do politely change the subject or tune out. As Abraham says, their bitching simply sounds to me like blah, blah, blah (or yadda yadda yadda).
If I bring up LoA at all, it's only with people I know are open to and genuinely interested in learning about it. Other than that, I do my best to remember the principles and to form my conversation from them.
I think we all attract a variety of people and not all of them will be in alignment with LoA or metaphysical things, just as many people (myslef included) don't want to hear about any fervent religious topics.  Call some people 'contrast that helps me know who I like" if you want, because while we may be in alignment about many things, we may not see eye to eye on other subjects. Such people help us to know what we DO want.

Michelle Hughes <[address removed]> wrote:
Philip: <mean by that is that the more I leran about Law of Attrction, the more I
wonder why I've made it so hard all these years.>>

Good one, Philip.

I don't post much on this list and have yet to come to a meetup. I live in
Center City...

I agree. I think that living LOA day by day or second by second is the
largest how to topic for me.

For instance, how do you deal with people who feel the need to vent? Maybe
for them it does help them to have a listening ear. They've heard that for
years from standard psychological counseling. But YOU as the listening ear,
do you bring up LOA topics or just listen and let them blow steam? Do you
just try to swift the conversation to a more positive topic? Do you try to
problem-solve? I tried to bring LOA ideas (without using that term) to a
guy friend who was definitely not open to it. In fact, he became very
aggressive and angry about it. So, what was I attracting?

The situation has blown over and we're still friends and I do value his
friendship for other things. I just don't think he is open to LOA and any
metaphysical topics at all (he is an atheist). Now, maybe that's the setup
- my expectations. But I am saying this from knowing him for more than 16
years and bringing up such topics throughout the years.

Many blessings,

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