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Re: [lawofattraction-262] re: unsubscribing from this email list

From: Lorna L.
Sent on: Saturday, October 25, 2008, 10:24 AM
Please, no bickering!
Lorna Sophia

Moving You From Stuck to Results -
with personal coaching in law of attraction
"What You Think About, You Bring About"

From: Michelle Hughes <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Saturday, October 25,[masked]:13:34 AM
Subject: RE: [lawofattraction-262] re: unsubscribing from this email list

I'm happy to attract people who use their brain and empower themselves  ;)

Many blessings,

-----Original Message-----
Please remember the law of attraction as you frame your responses.

Susan Walcott

--- On Fri, 10/24/08, Michelle Hughes <[address removed]> wrote:
> What's really ridiculous is
> that the end of every email, there are directions on how to
> unsubscribe.

> Please, people, empower yourself!  Use your brain and keyboard!

> Many blessings,
> Misha

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