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Re: [lawofattraction-262] want a morning/afternoon meetup?

From: Vince Y.
Sent on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 3:59 PM
There would be definite interest from those without a vehicle who reside in South Jersey.

From: Lorna Levy <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Mon, December 28,[masked]:18:43 PM
Subject: [lawofattraction-262] want a morning/afternoon meetup?

Hi Group
I am wondering if there is any interest in a Law of Attraction meetup meeting on a weekday somewhere around 11am, or noon, for an hour and a half or two hours? Right now, I'm thinking about Weds, and it would be held in University City. Let me know if you would be interested.
Nothing is scheduled yet, and this would be in addition to our regular first and third Thursday evening meetings.
Lorna Sophia

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