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announcing a new LOA meetup for business networking!

From: Ann I.
Sent on: Sunday, November 1, 2009, 2:32 PM
Joy-full greetings!
I just want to let you all know that I've created a new meetup for law of attraction practicers who are also interested in business networking and using LOA for business success. I'm so excited about this!

Annie Jackman, the owner of Wayland Wellness, is co-organizing this with me and she will bring a great energy to our group.

I have some ideas, but we want to co-create with you in our first meeting, on November 23rd. It will be a lunchtime meeting at Wayland Wellness.
The first meeting or two will be free, and then we will most likely have a small membership dues to maintain your membership.

If this sounds like it might be a fit for you, check out the site:
 Please tell others you know who might be interested, as well!

Joy to you!

Ann  Ide

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