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What we’re about

Last batch was a blast! The 12-week 'Theory of Music' course was productive and I am glad that the test at the end helped everyone. We passed Grade 1! Yay! 

Currently I am traveling and will be back 3rd week of September. I am planning to start a new batch 1st week of October. This will be for Grade 2. As some of you know, we are following Trinity College of London's workbooks for Theory of Music.
- We will meet 3 times a week - Theory/Practical/Ear Training.
- Weekly Homeworks
- Website for submitting Homeworks
By the end of the 12-WEEK course, you should be able to
- play 3 pieces and 6 scales with correct finger positioning.
- 8 rhythm patterns
- build your own melody lines.
You must get your own workbook - Link Here

We did this for Grade 1 a couple of months ago. If there is enough interest, I will start a new batch for Grade 1.
Please Reply whether you want to join GRADE 1 or GRADE 2. 

I'll give a detailed course details to the RSVPs. 
