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WP dev livestream: Sendig block theme

Photo of Jonathan Bossenger
Hosted By
Jonathan B.
WP dev livestream: Sendig block theme


Please Note, this is a livestream format, so it is an unprepared session with no slides.

These livestream formats are not recommended for beginners learning WordPress development from scratch unless they are happy to watch someone troubleshoot and problem-solve something without any real context. Anything can go wrong, and often does!

You will need to register an account with Twitch in order to join the live stream.

Join me live as I work on developing the Sendig block theme in public. You can read more details about this new theme in the introductory post here. I am also joined by special guests, Emily Rapport, the theme designer, and Aurooba Ahmed, block and block theme development expert.

These sessions are streamed via []( and uploaded to YouTube.

This session is being held at an EU/Africa time. If you cannot attend the livestream, you can catch the replay on my YouTube channel at

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