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Exploring the Query Loop block

Photo of Kathryn
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Exploring the Query Loop block


The Query Loop block might sound bland, but it's actually the driving force behind the layout of modern WordPress blogs. Let's dive into this critical block together, and explore some of the ways you can put it to use on your site to show off your content. We'll uncover why it's such an important block and where you can use it, and explore how to configure its features to get the result you're aiming for. We'll also look at how to "shuffle" the layout of the Query Loop to quickly cycle through different arrangements, and peek at the different types of blocks you might want to nest inside it. Finally, we'll uncover some lesser-known ways to use the Query Loop block, to display pages and other types of content besides posts.

Audience: Users
Level: Beginners
Where: Zoom (link will be visible after RSVP)

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