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What we’re about

In our sessions people laugh... a lot.

We run weekly: refugee, 55+ and recovery sessions for free. We also run open sessions for anyone to join.

Becoming a supporter means you help build an ImprovNHS (free to use). It'll be free because of this platform: .

#improvNHS #monkeyphilosophy

Help us open up access to improvisation for more humans... help us keep our community support sessions free at the point of use (an ImprovNHS if you will), so more humans can access the benefits of Improv. and all of its lovely social and health related brilliance. We run sessions for refugees and asylum seekers, humans in recovery from addiction, older humans, younger humans, humans with diabilities, humans in need of mental health support EVERY WEEK.

We don't think availability to cash should be a barrier to our sessions. The more we have as a fund on here (, the more we can do in the real world.

A new model of community funding... each donation or monthly addition to this opens up our ability to deliver sessions to those in our society who have less advantages and more barriers to living their best life.

Upcoming events (4+)

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