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Exploring AI and JavaScript: Testing NLP and Super Fast JS Development

Photo of Rich McIntyre
Hosted By
Rich M.


Schedule (• timings subject to change)

18:00 Arrive, Pizza and Drinks (Please let us know if you have any dietry requirements)
18:30 Talk 1: How I Approached Testing An AI Chatbot Powered By Natural Language Processing - Emily O'Connor
19:00 Break
19:15 Talk 2: Going from 0 to JS in 60 seconds with AI - Myles Hocking
19:45-20:00 Pub or Home (depending on your fancy)

Emily O'Connor
Passionate Software Tester | Test Consultant | Automated Testing using TS in Playwright, Mocha, and Cypress
How I Approached Testing An AI Chatbot Powered By Natural Language Processing
A 30 minute lightening introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP), it's adoption by Emily's client, Northern Trains, and the somewhat humorous number of ways testing natural language can be challenging.

Myles Hocking
Myles has been an agile coach and software manager for over 25 years. Working for over 30 organisations from startups to big enterprises over a range of sectors from haulage to satellites. He likes building and up-skilling teams and individuals to their optimum performance.
Going from 0 to JS in 60 seconds
An effective non-coder with a small product dream decided to plunge feet first into the world of full-stack web development in 2023. Entire packages of js libraries, APIs, new toolsets. Could GPT guide me through it all?

Don't miss out on this chance to deepen your knowledge of JavaScript and web technology in a supportive community of peers.

Photo of LeedsJs group
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