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INTRODUCTION to Mediumship with Trance Medium Kathrine Sorilos!

Photo of The Haunted Mafia
Hosted By
The Haunted M.
INTRODUCTION to Mediumship with Trance Medium Kathrine Sorilos!


Welcome to the mediumship class introduction! This course will take you on a journey into the intriguing realm of mediumship, where you'll learn how to communicate with spirits, guides, and entities from the spiritual world. Throughout this class, you'll enhance your intuitive skills to establish connections with the other side. Whether you're new to mediumship or have some experience, this class aims to deepen your spiritual connection and knowledge. Prepare to expand your consciousness, open your mind, and unravel the mysteries of mediumship. Let's start this enlightening journey together!
Dive into the world of mediumship to experience the marvel of connecting with energies beyond the physical realm. Through diverse exercises, you'll learn to trust your intuition, refine your senses, and embrace messages from the spirit world. Remember, mediumship is a sacred practice that requires reverence, empathy, and an open heart.
During the course, you'll explore various techniques like meditation, automatic writing, and connecting with spirit guides to enhance your mediumistic abilities. Engage in group activities and discussions to enrich your learning and exchange insights with your peers.
Wherever you are on your spiritual path, rest assured that you have support and guidance every step of the way. Stay curious, embrace new experiences, and have faith in your connection with the spirit world. Together, we'll uncover the enigmas of mediumship and welcome the magic beyond the veil. Let's embark on this extraordinary adventure with joy and enthusiasm!

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