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How to Read the Akashic Records in 2024.

Photo of Irina Webster
Hosted By
Irina W.
How to Read the Akashic Records in 2024.


[2 -hours workshop, Zoom]
Your Soul Knows What The Mind Cannot Understand...
Would you like to find your way and start thriving and blossoming in your own life?

Reading Akashic Records helps to do that.

2024 is a very good year to do it. This year is special and many unknown things can be revealed to you this year. Use this opportunity now to discover your Akashic Record in 2024.

The Akashic Record is the energetic library of all human experiences. On personal level it contains information about your soul journey.
The Akashic Record is the energetic library of all human experiences. On personal level it contains information about your soul journey. Reading your Akashic record helps to understand your life and heal it.
It helps to discover your Purpose.

When you access your Akashic Records, you can speak directly to your master, teachers, and loved ones (alive or dead) .
I am inviting you to learn to read your Akashic Record to heal.

During this 1.5-hours workshop you’ll experience:
1. Reading your Akashic Record using an Intuitive Healing technique.
2. Connecting to your masters, teachers and ancestors.
3. Healing your life from the Akashic Record level.
4. Discovering your Guides.
5. Clearing your path from the Akashic Record level.
The workshop will be recorded and you will receive a recording after the event.
You will receive a link (zoom) after the payment.

Photo of Letting Go Through Mindfulness & Intuitive Healing group
Letting Go Through Mindfulness & Intuitive Healing
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