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May Event - Let's Play Some Piano - Players & Audience Welcome

Photo of Ben Richards
Hosted By
Ben R.
May Event - Let's Play Some Piano - Players & Audience Welcome


All welcome to our May session at the Birmingham Conservatoire. It's a great opportunity to start playing again or maybe you're interested in learning the piano for the first time. As always, audience/non-players are welcome!

It's £7 to attend payable in advance or on the door.

Advance ticket link

People can perform regardless of ability, experience or musical style. If you'd prefer just to listen or have never played the piano feel free to come along too. Bring friends/family too if you like! (RSVP+1s)

We'll be playing one of the Conservatoire's fabulous Steinway Grand Pianos. I'll confirm the details which workshop/hall we'll be in the days before.

We'll have access 30 mins before the 2.30pm start so there'll be some warm-up before the event. There'll also be extra time during the interval and at the end as we have the space until 5pm.

If you'd like to perform you're most welcome. As the event is likely to be busy can people aim for 6 mins (as a maximum) , shorter pieces definitely welcome! I'll send out a message to start the the planning on this near the date.

I'll update everyone in the days preceding the event with a contact number and more details for the day.

Look forward to seeing you then and happy playing the meantime!

Photo of Let's Play The Piano! - Birmingham group
Let's Play The Piano! - Birmingham
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60 spots left