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What we’re about

Welcome to the LGBT/Queer & Allies Recovery and Fellowship group at Mt. Washington Meetup! We meet every Monday at 7 pm at the Aldersgate United Methodist Church at 5800 Cottonworth Ave (21209). If we cannot meet for some reason (e.g., inclement weather), we'll update the event details (see the Events tab) at least two hours before the meeting.

This group is a safe space for individuals in the LGBT community and their allies who are seeking support, connection, and camaraderie on their journey of recovery. Whether you identify as LGBTQ+ or are a passionate ally, this group is for anyone interested in exploring topics related to sobriety, mental health, and overall wellness within a welcoming and inclusive environment. Join us for meetings, social activities, and discussions that promote healing, growth, and unity within our community. Let's support each other and thrive together!