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What we’re about

This group is for LGBTQ+ community members interested in hiking around central Oregon. Generally, I hope to lead a monthly weekend hike that is 3 to 4 miles and planned for either morning or afternoon. On occasion, I may offer a longer hike, overnight pack trip, a dispersed camping weekend, or even a social gathering. I welcome any ideas for hikes as well as additional hiking hosts! (I'll likely host my first hike for a Saturday morning in September.). Please join us!

Brief bio: My husband and I are retired from public service, and recently moved our second home from Santa Fe, NM back to Bend where we have owned a small condo in NWX for 10+ years. Our home base is Walnut Creek CA which we are happily tethered to by our 6 yo grandson. I'm a moderately avid outdoor enthusiast. While living in Santa Fe I hosted monthly hikes through LGBTQ Santa Fe Meetup.

Note: this site was previously named LGBTQ Dispersed Camping with a 94597 (Walnut Creek) location.